321mL times 6 equals to 1926mL
1926mL in Liters is 1.926L
<span>Algae blooms are the consequence of large amounts of fertilizers in the water. Algae use the presence of increased nutrients and enhance their own growth. It is known that they produce an oxygen in the photosynthesis, so it is not a problem while they are still alive. But when these organisms die, their decomposition begins. For the process of decomposition, the oxygen is needed and ultimately it will be depleted from a body of water. This could lead to the death of aquatic animals that depend on oxygen. So, in the population will survive only those who are able deal with the lack of oxygen in the water</span>
ATP synthesis, through cell respiration.
Es un saco con paredes finas que rodea al feto durante el embarazo. El saco contiene líquido amniótico (líquido producido por el feto) y el amnios (membrana que cubre el lado fetal de la placenta), que proteje al feto de lesiones y ayuda a regular su temperatura.