Endometrosis could negatively affect the probability of gestating an embryo if they are growing inward. The affection of the fallopian tubes and the uterus could alter the implantation or even generate complications for the embryo during pregnancy.
In addition, endometriosis generates painful conditions in the abdominal area to the point that it is considered as menstrual cramps during menstruation, women who suffer from this disease suffer a lot during the menstrual cycle.
Regarding the reproductive system, those female reproductive systems that suffer from this disease are considered potentially malignant, since many malignant neoplasms are incited to appear in these foci of excessive proliferation of the endometrium.
Endometriosis can affect the walls of the fallopian tube and the uterus, since it occurs in the endometrium, that is why it bears that name.
The macroscopic appearance of this lesion at the histological level is a tumor nodule, since they are proliferative foci.
New cells with identical DNA are created through cell division.
The animal agriculture industry is killing our environment and putting every species on this planet at risk of extinction. The animal agriculture industry's pollution of our air, water and land, along with deforestation and soil degradation, all contribute to habitat loss and species extinction.
To do the top of stored energy.