The main objectives of the Progressive movement were addressing problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and political corruption.
Americans worried because (A) any missile launched form Cuba could hit the U.S. within minutes.
Causes of the French and Indian War. The French and Indian War began over the specific issue of whether the upper Ohio River valley was a part of the British Empire, and therefore open for trade and settlement by Virginians and Pennsylvanians, or part of the French Empire.
This religion had its growth interrupted in India, with the advancement of Islam and the formation of the Great Arab Empire. Wich has had a strong influence in chinese artistic manifestations, such literature, pinture and esculpture. In Rome, its its significant growth in the IV CENTURY, christianity was considered the official religion of the roman empire.
In Buddhism, its philosophy is based on the existence of being this related to pain, and to overcome pain, man has five paths: correct understanding, correct thinking, word, action, way of life, effort, attention and meditation.
In Christianity, today considered the religion with the greatest number of supporters in the world, through Christ, his Savior, who rose to the third day, promises salvation and life after death to all those who obey and follow his commandments.
The British pushed the Aborigines to the Outback, tried to make them accept the conquerors' religion, language, and customs.