Obligate symbiotic fungi that form associations with plants by entering their cortical cells without invading the plant cells membrane are called endomycorrhizae and include the genus Glomus. Many plants form associations called mycorrhizae with fungi that give them access to nutrients in the soil, protecting against disease and toxicities. In these associations the fungi are integrated into the physical structure of the root, where the fungi colonize the living root tissue during active plant growth.
Glucose, amino acids, lipids and glycerol.
Carbohydrate is broken into glucose molecules
protein is broken into amino acids
Lipid is broken into fatty acids and glycerol.
Starch present in the food is broken to glucose molecules to yield energy.
Protein is digested in stomach by the action of pepsin, trypsin and chymotrypsin.
Glycosidic bonds of starch is broken down by salivary and pancreatic amylase enzyme.
fat is acted upon by lipase enzymes from pancreatic and intestinal juices.
these are broken into smaller units so that gets absorbed by blood and carries throughout the body.
Neurotransmitters are released from axon terminals via exocytosis
Dendrite is the receiving part of the presynaptic neuron, while axon is the transmitting part of the neuron. So, after initiation, action potentials travel down axons to the terminals. Action potential travels through the membrane of the presynaptic cell causing the voltage-gated channels permeable to calcium ions to open. Ca2+ flow through the presynaptic membrane and increase the Ca concentration in the cell which will activate proteins attached to vesicles that contain a neurotransmitter (e.g. acetylcholine). Vesicles fuse with the membrane of the presynaptic cell, thereby release their contents into the synaptic cleft-space between the membranes of the pre- and postsynaptic cells (exocytosis of the vesicle's content). Neurotransmitter ACh (from the vesicles) binds to its receptors on the postsynaptic membrane and its binding causes depolarization of the target cell (muscle cell). Depolarization occurs because sodium enters the cell as a result of neurotransmitter receptor binding.
1. Deforestation = the burning of fossil fuels to make energy
2. Combustio = the logging of trees, which removes producers from the carbon cycle
3. Circulation= the process which brings up nutrients from deep ocean
4. Weathering= the wearing down of rocks over time.
5. Calcium carbonate= the primary component to mollusk shells and coral skeletons
I hope this helped.
As the beetles have a uniform distribution, at a carrying capacity of 14,600 beetles, there are about 128 beetles per hectare. Because 55 hectares are now unlivable, the carrying capacity would decrease by about 7,040 individuals (55 × 128).
Therefore, the carrying capacity of the ecosystem will be (old carrying capacity – decrease in carrying capacity) = (14,600 – 7,040) = 7,560 beetles.
answer from Plato