Mendel realized that the F2 had a phenotypic ratio 3:1, meaning 3/4 = 75% were yellow and 1/4 = 25% green.
Mendel observed that the F1 expressed only one of the alternative variants (in this case, only yellow seeds appeared), while the other variant (green) disappeared. Mendel named dominant the expressed variant. Mendel allowed auto pollination and observed that in the second generation, F2, the other disappeared variant reappeared. Both alternative variants were present in the F2. Mendel named recessive the second alternative variant.
Mendel thought that hereditary traits determined by discrete factors were the possible explication for these phenotypes. These factors should have been present in the F1 in pairs. One of them came from one parental plant, and the other factor came from the other plant. These factors then separated again when sex cells were produced, giving two types of gametes, each with only one factor.
Mendel concluded that each individual (plant) has a pair of factors (alleles), one for each trait (yellow and green) and that the pair separates (segregates) during the formation of the gametes. This conclusion is known as the segregation principle (First Mendels´ Low).
Panther Has no spots on its long body or tail. But it ha shiny coat of dark fur, they have small heads , really strong jaws and mostly green eyes.
I hope this helps
The genetic fault that usually causes colour vision deficiency is passed on in what's known as an X-linked inheritance pattern.
This means:
1) it mainly affects boys, but can affect girls in some cases
2) girls are usually carriers of the genetic fault – this means they can pass it on to their children, but do not have a colour vision deficiency themselves
3) it's usually passed on by a mother to her son – the mother will often be unaffected as she'll normally just be a carrier of the genetic fault
4) fathers with a colour vision deficiency will not have children with the problem unless their partner is a carrier of the genetic fault
5) it can often skip a generation – for example, it may affect a grandfather and their grandson
6) girls are only affected if their father has a colour vision deficiency and their mother is a carrier of the genetic fault
Answer:Option A
Explanation:pH decreases with increase in temperature
The air tends to move from high pressure to low pressure