The tryptophan synthase enzyme catalyzes the synthesis of tryptophan. This enzyme is found in all kingdoms except animals.
Tryptophan synthase has a hydrophobic channel that facilitates the passage of an intermediate from one enzyme to the other during the biosynthesis of tryptophan, which makes faster the metabolic process.
Sex hormones, since they are responsible for developing secondary sexual characteristics.
Particles and waves i think.
So it will take 650 years to widen another 812.5 centimeters
I believe they are called endothermic.
Endotherms also called warm blooded animals are those that maintain a constant body temperature independent of the environment. They primarily includes, birds and animals, but some fish are also endothermic. On the other hand ectothermic animals or cold blooded animals are those whose regulation of body temperature depends on the external sources such as sunlight.