1.) Britain and Spain ruled it, plus, slaveships were brought in.
2.) In late 2018, Hurricane Michael destroyed billions of dollars of Georgia's farm's crops. In 2019, Chinese tariffs strangled trade and prices.
Emphasized the importance of free press because of the supreme court ruling in favor of the Post.
The government would be unbalanced and tryanical.
This is because there would be no checks and balances so some branches would have more power than another branch.
Discover how the Iroquois structured their society, examine the roles they assigned to specific genders, and explore the power women held in this society.
When the novel made its first appearance in the 1700s, it appealed
to all classes of people because they could identify with the stories of
everyday life. It felt like they were the people in the novel, which in this
case does have a slice of life genre.