C. Israel
Religion in Israel is a central feature of the country and plays a major role in shaping Israeli culture and lifestyle, and religion has played a central role in Israel's history. Israel is also the only country in the world where a majority of citizens are Jewish.
The six big ideas are:
Limited government. - is still relevant because a too powerful government can be a threat to the people, as it has been seen in history many times.
Republicanism - is still relevant because the United States is a republic, where government is a public matter, and is obliged to respond to the people. The people also have the right to change and remove the government if they feel it is not working for the common benefit.
Checks and balances - is still relevant. The three branches of government: the executive (president), legislative (congress), and judicial (the courts including the Supreme Court) all have checks and balances. Each branch checks the power of the other two, and this prevents any of the three from becoming too powerful.
Federalism - The U.S. is a federal republic, therefore, it is still relevant. This is why the federal government only has those powers explicetly given to it by the constitution, while everything else is left up to the states.
Separation of powers - Is still relevant and related to the principle of checks and balances. The U.S. is a republic where government has three separated powers or branches, the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary.
Popular sovereignty - is still relevant. In a republic, the people are the ones who really control the government, who elect the government, and who can remove and change the government. This is popular sovereignty.
Answer: non-value added work: this are Job activities that do not add value to products and services but are necessary for the job. e.g An outdated method of doing a job.
Value added work: this are job activities, product or services a customer is willing to pay for. E.g a job done right at the first instance.
Explanation: 1. Non-value added work.
(f) officers waiting for a passenger to arrive.
(c) officers moving bins back to the beginning of the X-ray machines.
(e) officers putting bags in the X-ray machine for a second time in case they previously contained fluids.
Officer having to move bins back to the beginning of the the x-ray machine is obsolete and outdated because escalators can now do that, but it is necessary they do it. Having to put the bags back in the x-ray doesn't add value but is necessary for the job. Which is same as officers waiting for passengers arrival
2. Value added work.
(a) officers checking IDs.
(b) officers telling passengers to take off their shoes.
(d) officers looking at the screen of the X-ray machine.
What makes this jobs similar is that the activities are performed once, which adds value to work.
Display norms
display norms refers to a set of informal rules that people from a specific culture have as a standard to express their emotion.
In japan, the children were thought since early age to repress their emotion and maintain a calm and collective attitude when facing difficult situation because they feel that emotional outburst often unnecessarily escalate the situation. Because of this, the way Jiana's client behave could typically different depending on their background.
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