The "Cranes" is a short story book written by Hwang Sunwon. The story is set in Korea during the Korean War and focuses on two childhood friends, Songsam and Tokchae, who are on opposite sides during the war. Songsam has two flashbacks of his childhood memories with his friend Tokchae, where he remembers how they used to climb the trees and catch cranes. These flashbacks act as a reminder of the times he had spent with his friend and the importance of this friendship. As a result, these memories motivate him to let Tokchae free.
<span>Continental plates pushing towards each other cause mountains to form on our planet Earth, true. </span>
Non-polar Covalent bonds have one half of the atom that incorporates a net negative charge whereas the other half keeps up a positive charge
Hopefully, this helped!
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Variation- Heritable differences that exist in every population are the basis for natural selection
Overproduction- Competition for resources for resources
adaptation- A trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce
decent with modification- Natural Selection will result in species with adaptation that are well suited for survival and reproduction.