Seismic Waves in Earth cause earthquakes. Tectonic Plates can also cause earthquakes as they move against each other
The neural plate is one of the features exclusive to the embryonic development of chordates. It is located dorsally to the notochord. The neural plate is the rudimentary nervous system of the embryo. During early development ,the neural plate is formed from the ectodermal layer . It undergoes changes in the position and arrangement of it's cells to form the brain and the spinal cord which comprises the central nervous system. It forms tissues and eventually organs by the deepening of the groove which forms ridges which eventually folds and fuses to form the neural tube . The tube differentiates into the prosencephalon, the mesencephalon and the rhombencephalon, from which the organs are formed
Protists are a diverse collection of organisms that do not fit into animal, plant, bacteria or fungi groups. While exceptions exist, they are primarily microscopic and made up of a single cell (unicellular), according to the educational website CK-12.
So the the main forces that keep the water on the surface of the planet are to do with plate tectonics. If the plates were to stop moving, the water probably would eventually be absorbed into the interior, although this process would take a very long time indeed.