mitosis occurs after DNA in the nucleus has doubled
Answer: A food web.
A food web has more diversity because a food chain only shows what each animal eats. A food web,however, shows everything you need to know and more.
B is the answer and this is proven by scientific research.
you can go out side a thro an orange peel in a garden and it will degrade and become fertilizer.
The answer is alveolates. The sac-like structures under their plasma membrane are called alveoli. The alveoli provide support to the plasma membrane. Examples of groups of alveolates are ciliates, such as Paramecium, dinoflagellates, apicomplexa, and foraminifera. They lie under the phylum, Ciliophora.
periwinkle is used for “brain health” (increasing blood circulation in the brain, supporting brain metabolism, increasing mental productivity of leef