let the customer drink it?
<u>Ordering your latest credit report</u> is the action that appeared to be the least helpful if you’ve been the victim of identity theft. Therefore, <u>the correct answer is D.
If anyone has been a victim of identity theft, then it is important for such a person to officially report or contact any of the credit reporting companies to place a fraud alert on their credit report.
<h2>Further Explanation</h2>
Identity theft is when someone intentionally steals your information and uses such information without taking your permission. In the US, identity theft has become a booming business for fraudsters
In the US, 15.4 million Americans were a victim of theft, also identity theft tops complain of the consumer to the Federal trade commission. Regardless of how careful you seem to be, you can still fall victim to identity theft.
If you are a victim of identity theft, there are things you do immediately.
Some of the steps you can take to prevent an identity thief to further commit fraud with your details include
- Report any issues concerning identity theft to the federal trade commission (FTC)
- Ensure you clean up your entire account
- Immediately contact the credit Report Company and officially place a fraud alert
- In case of Tax-related identity theft, report to the IRS
- Place a block on your credit report
- Contact the company or the backs where the fraud occurred.
- victim
- identity theft
- irs
- fraud
- companies
- account
I also love making friends dude ✌✌I will surely follow you
An opportunity.
Businesses conduct a SWOT analysis when they want to identify their internal weaknesses and strengths, it is also used to identify external opportunity and threats.
Firms use the analysis to develop a competitive strategy in the market by taking advantage of opportunities presented while mitigating risk posed by threats in the industry.
In this scenario Hutchinson Essar obtained a 5.6% stake in Airtel fr Vodafone. This transaction resulted in movement of knowledge and technology previously available to Airtel to one of its competitors.
This was an opportunity for Hutchinson Essar.
A good has positive externality if the benefits to third parties not involved in production is greater than the cost. an example of an activity that generates positive externality is research and development. Due to the high cost of R & D, they are usually under-produced. Government can encourage the production of activities that generate positive externality by granting subsidies.
A good has negative externality if the costs to third parties not involved in production is greater than the benefits. an example of an activity that generates negative externality is pollution. Pollution can be generated at little or no cost, so they are usually overproduced. Government can discourage the production of activities that generate negative externality by taxation. Taxation increases the cost of production and therefore discourages overproduction. Tax levied on externality is known as Pigouvian tax.
Government can regulate the amount of externality produced by placing an upper limit on the amount of negative externality permissible
Coase theorem has been proposed as a solution to externality. According to this theory, when there are conflicting property rights, bargaining between parties involved can lead to an efficient outcome only if the bargaining cost is low
Another solution to negative externality is through the activities of charities. Charities can raise donations to limit or regulate the activities of firms that constitutes a negative externality.