<u>a. Earth quakes</u> are common.
"Ring of Fire" is a significant region in the bowl of Pacific Ocean where numerous earthquakes and volcanic ejections happen. In an enormous 40,000 km horseshoe shape, it is related to an about nonstop arrangement of maritime channels, volcanic circular segments, and volcanic belts and plate developments. It has 452 volcanoes.
About 90% of the world's tremors and about 81% of the world's biggest seismic tremors happen along the "Ring of Fire". The Ring of Fire is an immediate aftereffect of plate tectonics: the development and impacts of lithospheric plates, particularly subduction in the northern segment.
tertiary structure
Interactions among the amino acid side chains within a single protein molecule determine the protein's tertiary structure. Tertiary structure is the most important of the structural levels in determining, for example, the enzymatic activity of a protein.
1. hair
2. pore
3. oil gland
4. sweat gland
5. hair follicle
6. blood vessels
Grow, spread, and get bigger.