dynamic pricing policy
Dynamic pricing is the strategy of offering different prices to different customers. This could be based on purchase situations, past purchase behaviors,order ,size,timing, demand and supply levels and other factors.
The answer would be : Organizational Change
Organizational change refer to a company's transition to move into a more desired future. One of the factors that could determine company's survivebility is the company's capabilities to adapt to changes that happen in the markets. Often time, the company have to adjust is policy in order to fulfill market's demand
Conflict Theorists.
This statement states that a powerful group of elites created the institution of the state to maintain a status quo that exists to benefit themselves. As this is done by the use of power, both financial and political, it ignores the wishes of those who do not wield any power or influence, and the thought process behind this is stemming from an ideology which exists to fight for limited resources, this is synonymous with how Marx described the Conflict theory.
I'm sure its a persons life