They are not in proportion, since its 6:9 round it down (2:3) so pretend the 6 are apples and the 9 are oranges
Every 2 apples there are 3 oranges
So having 9 apples what is that?
2 x ? = 9
2 x 4.5 = 9
So if you want to keep 2:3 you have you times the oranges by 4.5 aswell!
3 x 4.5 = 13.5
So since it is 9:12 not 9:13.5 they are not in proportion
A fake link ........................
They're not parallel, because 4x and 12x are not the same slope
The gfc of an odd number is always odd
the only common factors between odd and even number must be odd
x = 5
Step-by-step explanation:
1. 9 = 4 + x
2. 9 - 4 = 4 + x - 4
3. 5 = x