Woodrow Wilson would have delivered his 14 points with the following opening lines:
We are poised to stand against aggressions that have the capacity to destabilize key regions around the world.
A destabilized region has the potential to create heightened levels of political instability, unrest, interstate conflict, etc. State failures are not contagious however, some of their negative consequences can spread to other states. Hence, we have taken up the responsibility to prevent that from happening.
Many people in lands subject to Muslim rule adopted Islam
Young African-Americans played a big role in the history of the Civil Rights Movement. One incident was in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963. Led by Martin Luther King, Jr., the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) came to desegregate Birmingham in 1963. After an initial surge of activity involving numerous protests and arrests, the movement stalled. The SCLC leadership decided that the best way to regain the momentum was to involve young people. This strategy would be less disruptive to Black families, since parents could continue working while young Blacks served the necessary jail time. High school, junior high and even elementary school students were recruited to march out of school and be arrested.
I studies Sumer hope this helps!
Yes because it we're other ancient places that they didn't get along with.