The increasing cases of learners abusing substances in school can be traced to the following societal problems:
1. Human beings have taken delight in the abuse of rights and privileges from time immemorial. It is, therefore, in the sinful nature of humans to sin and go contrary to life. We started choosing death over life from the time of Adam and Eve. Unless we return to our maker to live according to the template He created us with, we shall continue to abuse, not only drugs, but also other things God created to make our life blissful. You recognize that learners, and the society, with government licence, also abuse their sexuality, that divinely ordained procreation and pleasure responsibility of married couples.
2. We have abused marriage, marital, and other vows and live in denial. We have subtly enthroned infidelity in the name of freedom of choice. Remember that these learners start learning from the home where all these abuses have been sanctioned. No one should expect an abused parent to care for the learner, when the parent had been continuously abused in so many ways by societal values and practices. Some friends and family even abuse infants in their care in absurd, unconscionable, and unprintable manners.
3. Many of our parents abuse their children in many other ways. By denying the child the mother's breast milk at birth, parents set up their children to seek solace in substances later in life. We can say that genetic predisposition to substance addiction or abuse starts from infancy. This is not the case. It is not genetic. It is in our culture to inflict abuse on others. Some parents abandon their children to daycares, nannies, and strangers to pursue careers and economic resources, not realizing that these actions initiate the substance abuse process.
4. The fourth factor is the secularization of everything. Most times, human beings start a project that they think will selfishly benefit them, not knowing that they have started digging their graves. These days, everything about God is being frowned upon. People think that they can separate their origin from their creator. Many have removed Christ from the Cross. "When we sow the wind, we reap the whirlwind." We cannot blame peer pressure and poor social skills as the culprits for things going wrong with our youth. Religion has been consigned to historical, archival, and medieval studies only offered to students to enable them become aware of societal progress.
Substance abuse is the wrong use of harmful alcohol and illicit drugs. Many more substances outside these two, including guns and sex toys, are being manufactured on a daily basis to perpetuate their abuse by commercially-oriented organizations with the tacit support of regulatory bodies and governments. Learners are by definition learners. So they learn from society.