Reduced Impact Logging is an example of sustainable logging.
Sustainable logging refers to the logging of mature trees only and leave the small tress for maturing and growth. It is favorable for sustainable environmental conservation and prevention of soil erosion. Cutting of trees loosen the soil particles and make them prone to wash down cause soil erosion.
So, its better to select first the old and mature trees and cut their branches for lumbering. Don't cut randomly all the trees includes newly planted and young trees which strongly hold the soil.
Visual aids add impact and interest to a presentation. They enable you to appeal to more than one sense at the same time, thereby increasing the audience's understanding and retention level. With pictures, the concepts or ideas you present are no longer simply words - but words plus images.
The total force (a) is the combination of active and reserve components service chiefs provide, and combatant commanders effectively use to full capability.
In the United States, the total force also comprises the civilian personnel as well as the contractors working for the Department of Defense. This represents about 3 million people. The management of this staff is under the responsibility of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs.
Indus is not located in india