The exercise contains 15 questions. The solution is provided for each question.
Each question contains the necessary skills you need to learn.
I have added tips and required learning resources for each question, which helps you solve the exercise. When you complete each question, you get more familiar with a control structure, loops, string, and list.
Use Online Code Editor to solve exercise questions.
Also, try to solve the basic Python Quiz for beginners
Exercise 1: Given two integer numbers return their product. If the product is greater than 1000, then return their sum
Reference article for help:
Accept user input in Python
Calculate an Average in Python
Given 1:
number1 = 20
number2 = 30
Expected Output:
The result is 600
Given 2:
number1 = 40
number2 = 30
Expected Output:
The result is 70
Question is incomplete. it needs a topology diagram and also it needs Router R1 table. I assume User has access to the topology and Routing table.
Below Configuration will help to fix ACL problem
Hosts from the network should have full access to Server1, Server2 and Server3 but this is not currently the case, as L1 can’t communicate to Server2 or Server3.
Following Configuration on Cisco Router R1 will help to fix all the ACL problems.
configure terminal
no ip access-list standard FROM_10
ip access-list standard FROM_10
deny host
permit any
no ip access-list standard FROM_172
ip access-list standard FROM_172
permit host
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip access-group FROM_192 out
write memory
This question is a bit ambiguous as there were a few features that were added and any could be perceived as distinguishing depending on what you look for in your OS. I do believe this is in reference to the Wikipedia article on Windows 2.0 though as the first two listed features make note of Windows 1.0 specifically, therefore:
Windows 2.0 allowed windows to overlap, Windows 1.0 could not do this.
Windows 2.0 introduced new and more complex keyboard shortcuts and terminology such as "Minimize" and "Maximize" vs. Window 1.0's "Iconize" and "Zoom"