c. "Some doctors warn we may see a thousand dead before it’s over. There are forty-thousand people living in Philadelphia, William. Can you imagine if one in forty were to die?"
This option is the most logical option that connect to the historical account detailed in the book Fever 1793.
Andrew Jackson. The Manifest Destiny, being the goal of reaching "sea to shining sea," was a major goal for this president. He was the president who initiated the Lewis and Clarke expedition. Drop a thanks if this helped !
He had a strong influence on Voltaire who called him "le sage Locke". His arguments concerning liberty and the social contract later influenced the written works of Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and other Founding Fathers of the United States.Explanation:
The Indian and Pakistani conflict over Kashmir has become a cause for international concern due to the achievements of both nations in the area of nuclear weaponry, whereas both countries were able to successfully conduct nuclear tests in 1998, making both of them a threat to a greater public due to the massive destruction a nuclear war could bring.