Lord of the Flies takes place on an unnamed, uninhabited tropical island in the Pacific Ocean during a fictional worldwide war around the year 1950. The boys arrive on the island when an airplane that was presumably evacuating them crashes.
introduction, narration, confirmation, refutation and summation!
please tell me if im incorrect i will fix it right away.
i think its means that because we live in a democracy we as the people have the power to abolish or create
Supporting Victims of Human Trafficking
1. Initiate a conversation in private.
2. Let go of any expectations you have.
3. Challenge and change any inaccurate attitudes and beliefs that you may have about trafficking victims.
4. Provide support and empowerment.
5. Believe the person.
6. Listen to their comments and concerns.
7. Build on their strengths.
8. Support their decisions.
you can learn more about this subject at: https://www.valleycrisiscenter.org/supporting-victims-of-human-trafficking/
Which of these are reliable Internet sources for conducting research? Check all that apply.
sites run by universities
sites that sExplanation:
Which of th
sites run by universities
sites that anyone can edit
US government sites
online ne