Bem, existem centenas de idiomas e se você quiser Para ser exato, existem 7.139 idiomas falados todos os dias. Apenas 23 deles são mais falados que os outros.
In 1838, the city of Boston established the first American police force, followed by New York City in 1845, Albany, NY and Chicago in 1851, New Orleans and Cincinnati in 1853, Philadelphia in 1855, and Newark, NJ and Baltimore in 1857 (Harring 1983, Lundman 1980; Lynch 1984).
I'm not 100% positive but it is South Korea
Pioneers moved west through a desire to make their fortune through the farming of previously unfarmed lands – too many people it was regarded as an extremely exciting opportunity, a chance of a new life. -The attraction of cattle farming encouraged people to move out west.