Based on the question above, the best answer would be:
That the headless horseman had to hold his head in his arms
is because he “wanted to see what’s ahead.”
Or a simple geometric equation of SOH CAH TOA would help
solve the angle degree.
A cat
Because if I were a pet cat at least someone would take care of me and I would not have to do any real things like responsibilities.
60,000 buffalo
This question is incomplete, I attached the options.
Buffalo numbers in the study area were estimated using total aerial photographic counts, the estimation was made it in Mara Serengeti ecosystem (25 000 km2), buffalos have other problems apart of bubonic plague, like climate change, competition, disease, food limitation, land-use change, predation.
Assume the population growth of Serengeti buffalo graph, before the rinderpest there was a capacity of 50,000 buffalos, but there was a bubonic plague epidemic, then two years and half, only there were a capacity less than 30,000.
After the virus was eliminated the graph show growth, in 6 years there were more than 60,000 buffalos, in more eleven-year, there were exactly 60,000 buffalos.
Answer: Sea walnuts are marine invertebrates. They belong to the genus Mnemiopsis.
These animals have stinging tentacles like jelly fish and they often cast up or come to the sea shores where if they come in contact with humans can harm them by stinging.
The barrier if kept along the side of the sea shore and not allowing humans to reach to the shore can help in preventing the harm from these animals. The introduction of the predatory animals in the sea can also help in reducing their population.
The three benefits for removing the sea walnut:
1. The population of other species will increase as sea walnut is an invasive species.
2. The balance of the marine ecosystem can be maintained.
3. Humans can be protected from the harm caused by these animals.