Government policies specific to the entrepreneurs business is the answer. This is the only external factor.
Maybe talk about how you're life has been, or what you struggle with and wish to move on from it. Be creative ideas are endless! Or base it on a topic about your life. For example, if you've ever gotten bullied talk about how you felt through that time.
opportunity cost of an investment is the difference between the return of an
investment taken and the return of another investment that one had not taken.
It is the forgone opportunity of an investment not taken or pursued. It is the
amount of money one could have made had one chosen to pursue the other
investment. </span>
A lender is an individual or company that makes funds available another com[any. Lenders receive fixed payments based on a predetermined rate at an agreed time.
A shareholder is the owner of a company. A shareholder is a person who buys the stock of a publicly traded company
Supplier provides raw materials needed for production to a company
An investor can either be a lender or shareholder