c. the neutral theory posits that the vast majority of mutations do not influence the fitness of individuals
The neutral theory proposed by Motoo Kimura states that the vast majority of changes at the molecular level (DNA) in a population happens due to genetic drift, not by natural selection, this implies that the mutations are neutral and do not give an advantage to the organisms.
This means that mutant alleles are preserved due to the randomness of life and not because this alleles give selective advantage over other individuals of the population.
The physical infrastructure for X-ray crystallography structural biology includes synchrotrons, which are affordable by a nation. There are 47 in the world ( Each synchrotron provides a number of beamlines for experiments, usually including several optimized for macromolecular X-ray crystallography, often some for other structural biology techniques including SAXS (Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering) and CD (Circular Dichroism), and usually some beamlines for material sciences and other non-biological applications.
The fuel that comes from decayed organisms is petroleum
They both hunt for food and will ruthlessly kill you before you can cry, "MAMA!"
Yes, it is possible because, if the sperm from the male goes into the egg of the female it can cause the female to get pregnant by that male. And its very rare for the female not to get pregnant after having inter course with the male. That's only if they had unprotected sex.
I hope this helps you!
XoXo Mashayla