Peter Winn does not fear the man who is threatening him and as a result of this, ... PART A: What does the word “succinct” most likely mean as used in paragraph 25? ... An adept at winged blackmail, he had no aptitude for wings himself
Hark, more knocking.
Get on your night-gown, lest occasion call us68
And show us to be watchers. Be not lost69
So poorly in your thoughts.70
To know my deed, ’twere best not know myself.71
Wake Duncan with thy knocking! I would thou could
Realism is a literary movement that was created in response
to romanticism. Romanticism had at its
basis—like the name suggests—a romantic (almost too optimistic) notion of all
about which was written. Realism, on
the other hand, was just the opposite in that it portrayed society (reality) as
the way it really was almost pessimistically (or at least as it was seen by the
author) and can be seen as an equal and opposite reaction to romanticism.
Considering the tone and the message in the excerpt, I believe the correct answer to be option C: "All people should dedicate a fair amount of their time to politics", this is because of the way Roosevelt says that everyone has a civic duty and there is no excuse that justifies not fulfilling said duty. He also says that voting is the least a person could do and by doing so, is not to be regarded as a "good citizen" since they could be doing more. So basically, it isn't option A or B or D, especially this last one since he condemns people who vote not just those who do not vote.