Here is the copy assignment operator for CarCounter:
CarCounter& CarCounter::operator=(const CarCounter& objToCopy) {
carCount = objToCopy.carCount;
return *this; }
The syntax for copy assignment operator is:
ClassName& ClassName :: operator= ( ClassName& object_name)
In the above chunk of code class name Is CarCounter and object name is objToCopy.
Assignment operator = is called which assigns objToCopy.carCount to the new objects's carCount.
This operator basically is called when an object which is already initialized is assigned a new value from another current object.
Then return *this returns the reference to the calling object
The complete program is:
#include <iostream> //to use input output functions
using namespace std; //to access objects like cin cout
class CarCounter { //class name
public: // public member functions of class CarCounter
CarCounter(); //constructor of CarCounter
CarCounter& operator=(const CarCounter& objToCopy); //copy assignment operator for CarCounter
void SetCarCount(const int setVal) { //mutator method to set the car count value
carCount = setVal; }
//set carCount so setVal
int GetCarCount() const { //accessor method to get carCount
return carCount; }
private: //private data member of class
int carCount; }; // private data field of CarCounter
CarCounter::CarCounter() { //constructor
carCount = 0; //intializes the value of carCount in constructor
// FIXME write copy assignment operator
CarCounter& CarCounter::operator=(const CarCounter& objToCopy){
/* copy assignment operator for CarCounter that assigns objToCopy.carCount to the new objects's carCount, then returns *this */
carCount = objToCopy.carCount;
return *this;}
int main() { //start of main() function
CarCounter frontParkingLot; // creates CarCounter object
CarCounter backParkingLot; // creates CarCounter object
frontParkingLot.SetCarCount(12); // calls SetCarCount method using object frontParkingLot to set the value of carCount to 12
backParkingLot = frontParkingLot; //assigns value of frontParkingLot to backParkingLot
cout << "Cars counted: " << backParkingLot.GetCarCount(); //calls accessor GetCarCount method to get the value of carCount and display it in output
return 0; }
The output of this program is:
Cars counted = 12