The solution is written using Python as it has a simple syntax.
- def getHighScores(gameScores, minScore):
- meetsThreshold = []
- for score in gameScores:
- if(score > minScore):
- meetsThreshold.append(score)
- return meetsThreshold
- gameScores = [2, 5, 7, 6, 1, 9, 1]
- minScore = 5
- highScores = getHighScores(gameScores, minScore)
- print(highScores)
Line 1-8
- Create a function and name it as <em>getHighScores</em> which accepts two values, <em>gameScores</em> and <em>minScore</em>. (Line 1)
- Create an empty list/array and assign it to variable <em>meetsThreshold</em>. (Line 2)
- Create a for loop to iterate through each of the score in the <em>gameScores</em> (Line 4)
- Set a condition if the current score is bigger than the <em>minScore</em>, add the score into the <em>meetsThreshold</em> list (Line 5-6)
- Return <em>meetsThreshold</em> list as the output
Line 11-12
- create a random list of <em>gameScores</em> (Line 11)
- Set the minimum score to 5 (Line 12)
Line 13-14
- Call the function <em>getHighScores()</em> and pass the<em> gameScores</em> and <em>minScore </em>as the arguments. The codes within the function <em>getHighScores()</em> will run and return the <em>meetsThreshold </em>list and assign it to <em>highScores.</em> (Line 13)
- Display <em>highScores</em> using built-in function print().
Risk response control uses methods such as mitigate, avoidance, shift, actively accept, and passively accept.
Risk Response Control refers to the procedure of evaluating residual risks, detecting new risks, guaranteeing the execution of risk plans, and assessing the success of the plans in decreasing risk is known as risk response control. Whereby the risk response control techniques include acceptance, avoidance, transfer, and mitigation
<span>In certain instances, it makes sense to print documents in landscape orientation. Some examples include spreadsheets and tables, where the content within the document is wider than it is longer. If you print in portrait mode, it would cut off parts of the table or spreadsheet. In this case, you'll want to change the print settings to landscape. To change it to landscape, simply click the "landscape" button on the print preview tab.</span>
a firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules