Each mutant would be mated to wild type and to every other mutant to create diploid strains. The diploids would be assayed for growth at permissive and restrictive temperature. Diploids formed by mating a mutant to a wild type that can grow at restrictive temperatures identify the mutation as recessive. Only recessive mutations can be studied using complementation analysis. Diploids formed by mating two recessive mutants identify mutations in the same gene if the diploid cannot grow at restrictive temperature (non-complementation), and they identify mutations in different genes if the diploids can grow at restrictive temperature (complementation).
Recessive mutations are those whose phenotypic effects are only visible in homo-zygous individuals. Moreover, a complementation test is a genetic technique used to determine if two different mutations associated with a phenotype colocalize in the same <em>locus</em> (i.e., they are alleles of the same gene) or affect two different <em>loci</em>. In diploid (2n) organisms, this test is performed by crossing two homo-zygous recessive mutants and then observing whether offspring have the wild-type phenotype. When two different recessive mutations localize in different <em>loci</em>, they can be considered as 'complementary' since the heterozygote condition may rescue the function lost in homo-zygous recessive mutants. In consequence, when two recessive mutations are combined in the same genetic background (i.e., in the same individual) and they produce the same phenotype, it is possible to determine that both mutations are alleles of the same gene/<em>locus</em>.
Cuando los niveles de testosterona están bajos, la hormona liberadora de gonadotrofina (GnRH) es liberada por el hipotálamo que a su vez estimula la glándula pituitaria para liberar LH. Esta última hormona estimula los testículos para sintetizar la testosterona.
c. Proteins and lipids are made on the ER membrane and put in vesicles.
a. Vesicles containing proteins and lipids fuse with the Golgi bodies.
d. The Golgi bodies tag the molecules to signal their ultimate delivery.
b. Vesicles pinched off from the cristernae carry the molecule to its location.
Proteins are made by the ribosome machinery of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The proteins made need to be packaged before they are sent outside the cell to their location. If the proteins are not packaged and tagged, then they will be degraded by different enzymes present in the cell. So, the packaging of the proteins is done by the Golgi-complex. After packaging is done and tags are added to the proteins, the proteins move to the outside of the cell in vesicles.
The correct answer is C production of FAD to FADH2 by the citric acid cycle represent the energetic capacity to synthesize about 1.5 ATP.
Citric acid cycle is one of most important stage of cellular respiration.Citric acid cycle or TCA cycle composed of various enzyme catalyzed biochemical reaction.
various reduced coenzymes are produced during TCA cycle such as NADH,FADH2.FADH2 is formed from FAD during the conversion of succinate to fumarate.
The FADH2 then enter electron transport chain to oxidize itself into FAD along with the generation of 1.5 ATP.
The correct answer is this one: "C) Nnew = Nold + 2." A student is studying a process in which a diploid cell becomes haploid. The CORRECT mathematical model for the process if Nnew is the number of chromosomes in the haploid cell and Nold is the number of chromosomes in the diploid cell is this: <span>new = Nold + 2
Here are the choices.
Nnew = 2·Nold
Nnew =
Nnew = Nold + 2
Nnew = Nold × 2</span>