After world war 1, and before world war 2 Roosevelt wanted to join the league of nations. The USA never did join and Roosevelt was not the first President to want to join the league of nations. Roosevelt after world war 2 founded the United Nations, of which the USA is still a member today.
George Washington set a precedent for the office of the president that was followed by almost every president that was elected after him. George Washington chose to only serve two terms in office. He did this because he believed that if he were to die in office Americans would view presidency as a lifetime appointment. Due to this, he decided to step down after only two terms. The only president to have served more than two terms was Franklin D. Roosevelt, who served four terms from 1933 to 1945. Due to this, in 1947 Congress passed the 22nd amendment which stated that a president could not serve more than two terms in office.
Whip is an official of political party. Their job is to ensure discipline in legislature. They ensure that the party members vote according to the party platform instead of will of constituents and their own ideology.
Party whips are elected during party meeting before the beginning of a new congress. One chief deputy whip and few deputy and other whips are selected by each party for a two year term.
They assist party leaderships to bring the party's bills to the house floor and to maintain communication between the party members and leadership.
Bloody Kansas and Election of President Lincoln
The South belived that Lincoln was going to free all the slaves until states from the south started to succeeded from the union. Bloody Kansas caused people from the north and south to compete for the right of free or non free slave state.
The Supremacy Clause establishes that the federal government has more power than state governments.