One gallon is 3.7854 liter so 4 liters are more than one gallon.
Following are the code to the given question:
int power(int x, int n)//defining a method power that accepts two integer parameters
if (n == 0)//defining if block to check n equal to 0
return 1; //return value 1
else//defining else block
x = x * power(x, --n); //use x variable to call method recursively
return x; //return x value
In the above-given code, a method power is defined that accepts two integer variable in its parameter, in the method a conditional statement is used which can be defined as follows:
- In the if block, it checks "n" value, which is equal to 0. if the condition is true it will return value 1.
- In the else block, an integer variable x is defined that calls the method recursively and return x value.
Write convert() method to cast double to int Complete the convert() method that casts the parameter from a double to an integer and returns the result. Note that the main() method prints out the returned value of the convert() method.
Ex: If the double value is 19.9, then the output is: 19
Ex: If the double value is 3.1, then the output is: 3
plz bhai mera answer ko brainliest kar do.....</h3>
Option C is the correct answer to the following question.
Because network externality is that in which a consequence of the industrial activities or the other commercial activities which are affects another parties without involving the reflected in cost of goods and services. The other folks used the website as compares to any other folks enjoys. So, that's why it is correct.
Connect a host to an interface associated with VLAN 99
The admin configured VLAN 99 as that of the VLAN executives and customized this to an Internet Protocol address as well as a subnet. The admin requests the VLAN 99 request view interface and sees their line procedure is failing. They consequently needed a host to be connected to such an interface linked to VLAN 99 which would allow them to alter the behavior of such a line protocol state to up.