Answer:the relationship between the French and the Native tribes was based on mutual gain
The answer is Kulaks
The term Kulak referred to peasants who owned more than 8 acres of land and were considered “hesitating allies” of the revolution. In the 1930s, with Joseph Stalin in control of the Soviet Union, kulaks were decimated; peasants who became wealthier from 1906 to 1914 thanks to the <em>Stolypin Reform</em> were targeted as kulaks, <u>but also anyone who withheld grain from the Bolsheviks</u>. From 1929 to 1932 the dekulakization consisted on the arrest, deportation and execution of millions of prosperous peasants in order to seize their lands as part of Stalin’s first five years plan on the attempt to create new policies centred on a rapid industrialization and collectivization of agriculture (aimed to integrate individual landholdings and labour into collectively-controlled and state-controlled farms).
<span>True. It depends on the distance and the
environments where the organisms are situated.
When species move together or have to take care of each other then it is
a clump distribution. If the distribution
is even then it means organisms need to put some space between themselves or keep out of reach from each other due to
competition. If organisms are living
independent from each other then it is random. </span>
The author's name is Upton Sinclair.
Upton Sinclair was an American journalist and novelist. <em>'The Jungle', </em>published in 1905, exposed the harsh reality of immigrants in the United States, particularly those who worked in the meat industry.
Sinclair describes the appealing conditions in meat packing plants in the USA as a way to advance socialism. The book concentrates around the life of a Lithuanian immigrant family who came to the USA to live the American dream. It portrays working class poverty, the lack of social supports, harsh living and working conditions in the factories.
"The Jungle" did not live up to its author's expectations as most readers were more concerned about the quality of meat being packed in the factories, health violations and unsanitary practices, than the plight of the workers. This public outcry led to the creation of the Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1906.