At that time, cotton was considered as cash crops. Is the type of agricultural crop that generate high amount of income with very little investment /efforts. Many southern plantations sold the cottons to Other manufacturers in Europe since they need it as materials for textiles, outdoor equipment's, and beds.
This made a lot of plantation owners in the South had a need to obtain lands in order to open up new factories. A lot of lands near them at that time owned by Native Americans. So, the government forcefully removed the natives from the ancestral land and move them to reservation.
In Dalia Kirschbaum work, she uses weather data collected by NASA satellites to study landslides events.
Dalia Kirschbaum is an examination researcher who the two investigations avalanches and assists with organizing the calamity reaction when one happens. She utilizes climate information gathered by NASA satellites to contemplate avalanches occasions.
She is the GPM Applications Scientist, implying that she conveys the science and the information that she get from the GPM crucial people in general and end-clients. Dalia Kirschbaum experienced childhood in Minnesota, and she chose to seek after a zone where there truly was an absence of research.
Understanding avalanches with regards to remote detecting is quite new. We are as yet making sense of how to move toward displaying avalanche action and applying the remote detecting information NASA and different organizations gather at a bigger spatial scale.
matrix structure
Matrix management or structure refers to an organizational structure that allows individuals report to more than one supervisor or leader or superior. This is exemplified above where a professor reports to an academic supervisor in his field and also reports to a supervisor in a Master's degree program. This organizational arrangement or structure sets up reporting relationships in a grid or matrix fashion where there is dual role rather than in a traditional hierarchy.
Answer:Each games had similarities, like both were popular games in their society; the activity was aimed to worship gods; also these events were used to find a candidate to sacrifice gods, so had kill endings; also, both were connected to their mythology. And finally, both of them where used as entertainment.
Answer: Rip was asleep and the people kept wondering he was a spy from England.
Explanation: Washington Irving's story "Rip Van Winkle" that tells the story of how the United States was established when Rip Van Winkle was asleep for two decades. Rip was asleep and the people in the town wondered if he was a spy sent from England. Later, when he returned to his town finally, it was an old woman that recognized him. When Rip informed the town what had happened, old Peter Vanderdouk was consulted and he confirmed that it is true that the Kaatskills are haunted. Rip rip was asleep when United States had been to war and eventually got her independence.