I personally disagree with the Electoral College. It was a system that worked 200 years ago. The system now just doesn’t work because we have all these things like mail in voting, claimed election fraud, etc. Not only that but the electoral college could have a bias against a candidate. If you look at Hilary Clinton for example. She ran for President in 2016 but ended up losing the Electoral College vote but won the popular vote. Now she is an electoral college member which obviously, she wouldn’t vote for trump. The only reason the Electoral College is because the original framers said that the president and Vice President should be decided by a set group of people. Which today, is the Electoral College. Hope this helps!
No the truck driver is not likely to be successful.
Because in every accident bigger vehicle is the one who is responsible for the accidents. Because he has bigger vehicel so he should drive slowly in his lane. Because his brakes are not so good to stop at the right point.
2 points
The Driver Responsibility Program (DRP) was set up to help in managing the activities of road users; mainly drivers. Drivers who broke the traffic rules were made to face the wrath of the law.
It involves assigning points to the offenders according to their offences.
A driver accumulates 2 points for every traffic conviction which does not result in a crash which includes running the traffic light. The driver is also fined.
Desk will be far from each other you would need lots of hand sanitizer and their will be new rules hanged up on walls education will not be affected hard because you probably would not have time to talk about that but you will definitely have new rules