Yes of course,if they can be stabilize ans slowly learn how to control it with eitheir less or no drugs at all(for emerginces) they should be able too!
Some people that are diagnosed with ADHD or ADD do not take the recommended course of treatment, and therefore might be requested not to be in the military. However, if someone diagnosed with ADHD or ADD takes the recommended course of treatment, and this doesn't impair their work in a significant way as measured by military staff, then it should be fine for them to work in a military setting.
The conclusion can you draw from Ida Willensky's description of trying to open the eighth floor door is that you had to pull the door to get out or the door opens inward
Everybody has gone through life differently so when someone goes through something or sees something they see it differently compared to someone older,younger,more mature or less mature.
This is making a comparison to Pinocchio. Saying it was such an obvious lie I’m surprised his nose didn’t start growing is an exaggeration of how unbelievable and far-fetched his lie fib was.