During the first few years of the Great Depression as people lost their jobs, homes, and farms they began to lay the blame for their poverty on the banks, since they had been irresponsible.
The invention of the printing press by Gutenberg
protestant movements succeeded a great deal because of the invention of the printing press which enabled people to access the bible and theological materials and compare them with the status quo of the catholic church. The catholic church had long abused the ignorance of the laymen in access in the bible to come up with dogmas and canon laws that are un-Biblical. Some of the catholic liturgical traditions are yet to be repealed.
Arabs and Jews
Israel(Jewish population) and Palestine(Arabs) have a complex claim tot he same tract of land, They were split up by the British when imperialism was ending, but the split was complex, and many pockets and separated areas were there, unlike India and Pakistan. But one group (Israelis), had the clear advantage and took over the entire tract of land and kept the Palestinians hostage, they also isolated a set of land which has economic disparity to this day. But the Palestinians attacked first in order to take all of the land so some see it as fit, that the Israelis had them in the situation they are in right now.