An atom is the smallest particle in a chemical element that holds its chemical properties. Although in the past it was thought impossible to break an atom, within modern chemistry we know that an atom is composed of subatomic particles, which compose the atomic model:
1) electrons, which have a negative charge, such a small size that it is immeasurable, and a mass much smaller than the other two subatomic particles; 2) protons, which have a positive charge; and 3) neutrons, which have no charge.
The protons and neutrons form a dense and massive atomic nucleus, which is called multipons nuclei. The electrons form a cloud of electrons that surround the nucleus.
A reference point is a place or object used for comparison to determine if something is in motion. An object is in motion if it changes position relative to a reference point. Objects that are fixed relative to Earth – such as a building, a tree, or a sign - make good reference points.
hope this helps
Fibrous roots grow from the main stem of the plant and does not have a primary root like the taproot. They grow downward and outward, with repeating branches to form a mass of small roots.Dicots and monocots are the two classes of flowering plants. The majority of taproot systems are composed of dicots and conifers.
A warm front brings gentle rain<span> or light </span>snow<span>, followed by warmer, milder weather.</span>
Mumbling- slurring words together at a very low level of volume and pitch so that they are barely audible.