I don’t think that’s possible. giving control to edit records also means giving control to delete them. maybe discuss before hand to build trust and understanding or duplicate the records in case she does delete them
doorway page
doorway page
doorway pages
A website consists of many web pages linked together.
A web page refers to specific information provided by a website that is displayed to a user in an internet browser.
A web page is written in HTML. It may contain text, graphics, and hyperlinks to other web pages and files.
As per the given question,
A web page created expressly in hopes of ranking well for a term in a search engine's organic/non-paid listings and which itself does not deliver much information to those viewing it. Instead, visitors will often see only some enticement on the <u>doorway page</u> leading them to other pages, or they may be seamlessly redirected to a real page within the existing web site. With cloaking, visitors may never see the <u>doorway page</u> at all. Several search engines have guidelines against <u>doorway pages</u>, though they are more commonly allowed in through paid inclusion programs.
a. method body.
A method contains the following components:
- method implementation code
All of these together constitute the method body. The method body contains the declarations and statements constituting the method definition.
Apart from this, when the method is invoked at runtime, it needs to be called with method-name and the actual parameter list which gets substituted for the formal parameters in the method body.