The correct option is D.
Wind has some advantages which makes it suitable as a source of energy but it also possesses some disadvantages which reduces its potentials as a viable source of energy. For instance, large expanse of land will be needed to construct wind farms and this may not be feasible especially in populated areas. Another disadvantage is that electricity production will be depended on the availability of wind, when there is no wind, there will be no electricity.
Crystalline silica is a natural compound in the earth's crust and is a basic component of sand and granite. Silicosis is an incurable disease of the lungs caused by breathing crystalline silica dust. This dust can cause scar tissue to form in the lungs.
friction between two rock surfaces grinding away minerals.
Also viruses have nucleic acid whether DNA or RNA nucleic acid, they are so minute that you can't observed them,
it's letter C, they are also responsible for proteins. their cell wall is made up of capsid.