The correlational method is a research method in which two variables are measured for each participant and the extent to which those variables are related is measured.
The Phoenicians came into contact with many other cultures who borrowed their ideas and customs when they traveled to trade. The Phoenicians sailed to trade and establish colonies where they spread their culture and economy. They sailed across the Mediterranean—through the Greek islands, southern Europe, the Atlantic Coast of Africa and Britain. The Phoenicians' passion for conquering horizons and setting up majestic trade networks established their civilization in places far from their homeland.
Destructive criticism is a kind of criticism usually made in order to harm someone. It is used normally as a factor of defamation. It is used to hamper some one' reputation
Criticism is a gate way which provides a reader with clarity of thoughts and sometimes criticism can be too harsh that it would ruin the derogate and destroy the self esteem of a person who faces the criticism. No boy likes to be criticized, this is the fact and hence it depends largely on a person on how to react to a destructive criticism.
Analyse the relevance the criticism and decide how to resolve it when you observe that the criticism is relevant. The critic must not be too harsh while criticizing. He must be professional and turn his criticism in to a complaint which would make both the critic and the criticized to focus on the problem and solve it.
The combination of two or more than two substance or elements without using chemical is called mixture
Due to who was settled in the surrounding areas, Christianity was the primary religion and of course was spread.