lower power= 20 x 10= 200x
higher power= 20 x 43= 860x
P wave and R wave
Atrial contraction = P wave
Ventricular contraction = R wave
The behavior of the frog heart from force recording can be classified into ; P wave and R wave.
utilizing the ECG ( Electrocardiogram) data the aspect of the force recording that is due to atrial contractions is the ; P wave while the force recording that is due to ventricular contractions is the ; R wave the ventricular contractions is also known as QRS
ECG is used to record the electrical activities of a heart at rest
d) They would bind glucocorticoids, and initiate estrogen-dependent synthesis
Both Glucocorticoids and estrogens Hormones have important but distinct physiologic functions. These two hormones belongs to the two classes of steroid hormones. Both of these hormones binds to their specific receptors.
DNA binding domain is the domain that after activation by external factors such as hormones express the specific proteins by binding to specific region of the DNA.
As DNA binding domain of a glucocorticoid receptor is altered with DNA binding domain of estrogen receptor so it means binding site of the glucocorticoid hormone for glucocorticoid receptor remains the same and binds to glucocorticoids but on binding it activates the estrogen DNA binding domain which further binds to specific region in the DNA which initiates estrogen dependent synthesis.
the chemical name is Methanol
Methanol chemical formula is CH3OH