this is what the green party is, The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) is a federation of Green state political parties in the United States. The party promotes green politics, specifically environmentalism; nonviolence; social justice; participatory, grassroots democracy; gender equality; LGBT rights; anti-war; anti-racism and ecosocialism.
this is three benefits The Green Party favors the abolition of the death penalty, repeal of Three-strikes laws, banning of private prisons, legalization of marijuana, and decriminalization of other drugs.
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Yes and no. But mostly yes.
The Mayans impressively developed a concept of zero as a number and as a placeholder. They did so in the 4th century AD, and what makes it especially impressive is that they more or less did so on their own, without borrowing from or exchanging ideas with other civilizations.
However, unlike ancient India, who developed the concept of zero around the same time, the Maya never applied to to mathematical calculations, using it mostly as a placeholder and a concept in their complex calenders.
Zero really becomes a powerful force in science and math when you begin applying the concept to equations. A number times zero is zero, a number divided by zero can't exist but theoretically is infinite, etc. Although the Mayans never applied zero to their impressive advancements in geometry, construction, etc, they did invent the concept essentially from scratch, which is an impressive feat that few other societies accomplished in the ancient world.
Health psychology
Health psychology is branch of psychology in which we deal the influence and effect of behavior, environment, and social variables on human physical and mental health. It is also knows as clinical psychology used to study the effect of behavioral and physiological factor on human illness, diseases.