Golden Horde was the name for the region. It was founded by Batu Khan, grandson to Genghis Khan. They were predominately known and feared for their military might. At its peak, they controlled most of eastern Europe.
C.) between the fall of Rome and the coming of the Renaissance.
We usually divide the medieval era into two periods: High Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages.
- The High Middle Ages extended from the 5th to the 10th centuries. It was the time of consolidation in the Western Europe of feudalism, the predominant socioeconomic system in the medieval era.
- The Late Middle Ages comprehends from the eleventh century to the end of the medieval period in the fifteenth century. This is when feudalism peaked and went into decay. Slowly, it began to undergo transformations that would only be completed in the Modern Age, when it would be replaced, in the political field, by national monarchies and, in the economic, by the mercantilist system.
This period marks the fief as the economic base, the political structure based on the system of vassal and lord, certain social statism, where there was little mobility and a strong hierarchy between classes and the dominance of the Church in the religious scene. In addition, the medieval wars and the Black Death decimated much of the population of the time.
The industrial revolution began in Great Britain as it had most coal and iron which enabled it to build factories and machines. It spread from Britain towards Europe, where it mostly developed in Germany and it also spread into the US.
Twelve countries were involved in WWI.
I would argue that John Locke had the most direct influence. Locke believed all men were born a "blank slate" and were shaped by their experiences. The Declaration declares similarly that "All men are created equal".