Active transport moves from low to high
Answer:Use the word RNA (Ribonucleic acid) in a sentence
Explanation:Viruses represent a large group of infective agents that are composed of a core of nucleic acids, either RNA or DNA, surrounded by a layer of protein.
9: Well big groups of birds are often found competing for food, causing fights and even death due to the fight. If a flock of birds from population A goes to population B, there would be more competition due to birds wanting food and nesting places that are good.
10: Many species evolve to suit environmental changes, but let's say this change in the environment was bad. Pollution, species of aggressive animals, which would eat the food the animals need and cause a downgrade in food leaving the area bare, and hunting, which would bring humans to the area and cause them to camp out, eat the animals and wild vegetables, such, can cause negative population changes. Due to these things birds could get sick and die off, causing population to go down. If trash and sewage are not cleaned up it could affect the birds food source and cause it to be bad for a long time, the aggressive animals would kill and eat the birds causing a continuous spiral of death, and hunting could cause them to die.
A dependent variable is how they are recording, measuring or keeping track of the science experiment their doing.
A independent variable is the things/types there using to compare what is the most/least affective in the experiment.
A controlled variable is something that stays the same in the experiment or a group/set used for comparison
<h2>e) option is correct </h2>
Traveler's diarrhea is an intestinal infection that occurs as a result of eating or drinking contaminated food or water, food handlers who do not wash their hands after they use the bathroom can transmit the infection to people who consume the contaminated food
Due to diarrhea, kidney don't work properly and level of urea increases in blood
Due to the low carbohydrate intake, ketosis occurs in which stored fat is metabolized which results in build up of acids called ketones
If the body starts to use energy sources other than carbohydrates then it means it is using the stored energy, gluconeogenesis fulfills glucose requirement of cell by synthesis of glucose from non carbohydrate material
To supply with energy lipid metabolism occurs, fatty acids are oxidized and energy in the form of ATP is produced