Answer: Conviction based on the support of the physical fingerprint is a more reliable evidence over hair and fiber evidences.
Physical fingerprint has more value than hair and fiber evidences. As no two fingers can have exactly alike fingerprints belonging to the same person. The fingerprints of two identical twins cannot be alike but DNA evidence obtained from hair, fiber, or any other biological evidences can show similarity. Thus physical fingerprint have more value over DNA fingerprint it can directly related to a suspect to whom it belongs to depending upon the uniqueness of the minutiae characteristics.
podemos identificar el clima ademas Parte de la biología que estudia las relaciones de los seres vivos entre sí y con el medio en el que viven.
Answer:This states that the rate of a physiological process will be limited by the factor which is in shortest supply. Any change in the level of a limiting factor will affect the rate of reaction. For example, the amount of light will affect the rate of photosynthesis. If there is no light, there will be no photosynthesis.
Hi there.
Sleeping pills can be affective, one common side-affects are; "slower breathing" -- slower breathing is a common factor, as a side affect. Another would be "depressed breathing".
These happen for many reasons, forcing your body to sleep isn't on the "healthy" side of your body.
Sometimes, people do get addicted to sleeping pills; and take them every night and can lead to small or major health issues.
An unwanted pill that goes into your body every night will cause unwanted side affects. That can be very harmful!