Concerning an issue on slavery, Lincoln looked a rather controversial figure. On the one hand, he advocated the abolition of slavery; on the other, he did not support the idea of social and political equality of the black and white races. "
I am not, and have never been, a supporter of achieving the social and political equality of the white and black races. “I am not, and have never been, a supporter of black people, like voters or jurors, and allowing them to hold public office,” said Lincoln.
However, in his opinion, it is unthinkable when one person works hard and the other appropriates the fruits of his labor.
These two men seated at the table represent the Irish , with top hat and vest, and German (smoking pipe and drinking german beer) inmigrants in the 1800s in the US. The cartoon refers to the 1882's Chinese Exclusion Act, which was the first American law preventing the inmigration of an specific ethnic/national group. This can be apreciated in the "New Declaration of indepence" at the back of the cartoon.
The legend in the bottom ("If the Yankee Congress can keep the yellow man out, what is to hinder them from calling us green and keeping us out too?") refers to the raising fear in Irish and German groups of facing the same fate of Chinese inmigrants. This let us know American attitude towards inmigrants who weren't seen as equals and were discrimitated for their origins and skin color.
To complete the diagram the correct response is Option A: Congress can impeach justices who are accused of abusing their power.
The branches of government can limit each other's power in a number of ways. For example, it is the Supreme Court that can rule a president's actions unconstitutional. In addition, the President can obstruct the Supreme Court Ruling by refusing to enforce them. This has happened twice historically with Andrew Jackson going ahead with allowing the Indian Removal Act to move forward and Abraham Lincoln defying the Supreme Court on the habeas corpus ruling. Likewise, the exception clause in the Constitution grants Congress the power to make exceptions to the constitutionally defined appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Congress can also propose amendments to the Constitution that would effectively make a Supreme Court decision moot. Finally, the Supreme Court can overturn an unconstitutional law passed by Congress.
A. To acquire goods such as gold and spices
At that time, Several countries in Europe were involved in competition for supremacy in the western region. Spain, France, and Great Britain was one of the biggest contenders.
So, the Spanish government invested in series of explorations in order to find sources of resources that have high value in the global market (such as gold, spices, tea, silk, and porcelain). The Spanish empire set the conquest to South America because they believed this region possess high amount of Gold and spices.