A embryo is the unborn child from when they were conceived to 10 weeks and fetus is the unborn child from 11 weeks till birth
population - community - ecosystem - biosphere
<em>The correctly sorted level of organization of an ecosystem from the least inclusive to the most inclusive would be from population to community to ecosystem and finally to biosphere.</em>
A population consists of a group of organism of the same species living in a particular area at a particular time and capable of interbreeding to produce fertile progeny.
A community represents different population of organisms that are interacting with one another. Several populations make up a community.
An ecosystem consists of different communities of organisms that are interacting with themselves and the non living component of the environment.
A biosphere consists of all regions of the earth where living organisms can be found. It consists of different ecosystems that make up the earth.
<u>Hence, the population is least inclusive, followed by the community, then the ecosystem and finally the biosphere.</u>
after a main glucose and the liver and level of blood glucose rise this successful course is guilt with by the glucose lenses which is the liver Converse glucose into glycogen for storage the glucose that is not stole is used to produce energy by a process called glycolysis
What would be the expected result of the experiment?
For the drawing of the map part, the scientific will find that effectively, a very large number of volcanoes are located near the meeting points of tectonic plates. The volcanoes that aren't now at the edge of the plate were most probably at the moment of their formation, and were moved away by the movement of the plate.
But I doubt the scientist would be able to identify many new volcanoes, because the creation of a volcano isn't something happening overnight.
How would you interpret the results if the scientist observes no new volcanic activity?
I would say that does NOT invalidate the theory because the observation period is extremely short. 10 years is an insignificant amount of time geologically speaking... the study would have to be conducted over at least 1,000 years to maybe have some results at all. Just imagine how many volcanoes there would be if a new one was created every 10 years along the side of a tectonic plate.