Determines investments/ incomes. it lacks competition and efficiency but includes low levels of inequality and unemployment
Answer:b. enlightened self-interest school
Enlightened self-interest can be defined as the ability of understanding and trusting that as we impact other people's lives positives our lives will also be impacted positively to some extent. As the saying which says "what goes around comes around " simple put. Even though our action may be driven by internal desires to acquire personal satisfaction but under the enlightened self-interest we also look for the needs of others to ensure their wellbeing; it is a two way street everyone benefits.
Devoting ourselves to improving other people lives gives us that satisfaction and the drive to keep going.
It is a fulfilling act that leaves an individual content with their lives for having played a role that changes someone else's live for good.
idiographic explanation
Type of causal reasoning is an idiographic explanation
we know that there are 2 types of approach for understanding the social life
- Idiographic
- nomothetic
and here idiographic approach use for understanding single or individual type case or event but a nomothetic approach that is used for understanding large scale social pattern
so here also cause of the single situation is exhaustively examined
so correct answer is an idiographic explanation
True, because many people died when the Black Plague/Black Death came through Europe.
The answer is<u> "bodily arousal".</u>
Physical arousal happen where our bodies are in an elevated feeling of excitement, normally with adrenaline coursing through our framework and actuating our muscles. Physical arousal incorporates both sexual excitement and the real enactment we feel when we are occupied with games and other physical efforts.
Physical arousal is overseen in the cerebrum by the brainstem, the most seasoned 'reptilian' some portion of the mind that oversees alertness and fundamental substantial activity.