this is beacuse stars are always in the sky
stars are always in the sky they are in the sky we just cant see it through our naked eye.. Also, while those super-massive stars will die suddenly as supernovae, most stars experience much slower deaths taking hundreds of thousands or millions of years to play out. Examples of famous stars already in the act of dying include Arcturus and Aldebaran.
The graph will have a sharp curve in upwards manner when the new, larger habitat is found, but than will be followed by slight decrease when the predation increases.
If a population of rabbits finds a new, larger habitat, than the population will experience rapid rise, especially if there isn't high scale predation on them. This will be due to the abundant food resources, but also because of the fast reproduction of the rabbits. The low predation will mean that most of the rabbits will survive, so the numbers will be on the rise.
When the population starts to experience in increase in predation, the situation changes. The larger number of predators means that they would need much more food, so much more rabbits will be killed and consumed by the predators. This will stop the population rise, and it will either stagnate, or most probably it will experience slight decline.
Learn more about predators
Precipitation needs to happen to keep the water cycle balanced
Isotonic, Hypotonic, and Hypertonic Solutions. Water moves readily across cell membranes through special protein-lined channels, and if the total concentration of all dissolved solutes is not equal on both sides, there will be net movement of water molecules into or out of the cell.