1 c. pulmonary artery
2 c. capillary
3 d.90%
4 none of them its white blood cells aka leukocytes
5 artery
6 artery
7 d fights the infection
8 a form wounds scabs and clots
A. By burning coal in a boiler to produce steam. The steam produced, under pressure, flows in a turbine, which spins a generator to create electricity
B. Wind turns the propeller-like blades of a turbine around a rotor, which spins a generator, which creates electricity
A função do citoplasma é fornecer sustentação esquelética para a célula através da estrutura composta por filamentos e túbulos proteicos. Além disso, todo o conjunto de estruturas mergulhadas no citosol apresenta bastante dinamismo, fato que possibilita à célula realizar alguns movimentos.
No citoplasma, ainda há membranas que atuam como verdadeiras usinas intracelulares, que fornecem energia indispensável à manutenção da vida.
Outro fato que você deveria saber sobre o citoplasma é que ele preenche todo o interior das células eucariontes, sendo delimitado pela membrana plasmática. Já nas células procariontes, o citoplasma fica entre a membrana plasmática e o núcleo da célula.
Answer: Microwaves and X-rays have different wavelengths and frequencies. Microwaves fall between infrared radiation and above radar radiation. X-rays fall above ultraviolet radiation and below gamma ray radiation. Visible light falls between infrared and through ultraviolet.
(A)An adaptation is a characteristic that helps an animal survive in its habitat. All animals must be able to obtain food and water, protect themselves from harm, withstand the climate, and reproduce young so the species doesn't become extinct. ... Without their adaptations, the species could not thrive in that environment.
GIRAFFE-That ability – coupled with the tongue's impressive reach and its tough skin – allows giraffes to selectively browse, plucking leaves from among the nasty thorns brandished by many of its preferred food trees, such as acacias.